
#1 trading signal platform and social media

iPhone illustration
iPhone Hero
iPhone Feature 01 illustration
iPhone Feature 01

Signal channels

Create your own free/premium channels and send signals to your subscribers, or join other channels and receive signals! Channel subscribers will receive Ultra-Fast notifications when a signal is posted, updated or closed by channel admin

iPhone Feature 02 illustration
iPhone Feature 02

Realtime signal tracking

Track profit/loss and changes to the signal (ex. stop loss, take profit and entry price) in realtime

iPhone Feature 03 illustration
iPhone Feature 03

Ranking system

CueRadar's ranking system will let the cuers (signal makers) to compete against each other and rank up. The more profit you make, the higher level you get. Currently there are 9 levels in the ranking system, starting from Iron (lowest) to Cue Master (highest). Ranks will reset at the end of the each season and badges will be assigned to cuers which will be kept in their profiles. (Your rank will be a free advertisement for your channels)

iPhone Feature 04 illustration
iPhone Feature 04

Detailed statistics

Find detailed statistics of users and channels. This will give users a better insights of the channels that they want to subscribe to.